Friends of Olib Charity, Inc., is a charitable committee that brings together Olibljans and their descendants in New York and the surrounding area, working closely with the Olib Village and Church Committees. It should be added that there is positive cooperation that this society has with the Olibljans in California, who gather around the Committee in San Francisco. Our committee is called Friends of Olib Charity, Inc. registered with the federal government, and may operate by operating throughout the United States of America. The monetary gifts sent to our charity are exempt from tax in the declaration of annual income (Tax Exempt).
It will be almost a century and a half since the first Olibljanin arrived in America. Back in 1902, the people of Olib in New York founded the Society of St. Nicholas, registered in the State of New York. The Society provided insurance and support for its members. In the event of illness or death, this society assisted in the payment of expenses. Those were the times when men went to America without their families. Later, with the arrival of the Olibljani family in New York, they worked through their charity under the name Sons and Daughters of Olib. We, on the other hand, like to emphasize that we are a continuation of the activities of these societies and good people who have left behind a trace of love for their homeland and community. We would like to proudly point out that this committee of ours has its roots in organizing that began in 1902.
The board of Olib Charity - Friends of Olib Charity, Inc. has seven members. The mandate is four years, and the election is conducted by secret ballot and is done by mail. We have an address book of about two hundred families, each family has one vote. Out of at least twelve candidates, seven are elected, with seven candidates with the most votes entering the board. The candidate with the most votes is entitled to a presidential position on the board. For any questions feel free to contact us at Friends of Olib Charity, Inc. PER. BOX 30309, New York, NY 10011, or to our website Thank you for your support and cooperation.
The committee of Friends of Olib Charity, Inc.
Dobrotvorno Društvo Olib – Friends of Olib Charity, Inc., je društvo karitativne naravi koje okuplja Olibljane i njihove potomke u New Yorku i široj okolici, usko surađujući s Mjesnim i Crkvenim Odborom u Olibu. Ovome treba nadodati i pozitivnu suradnju koje ovo društvo ima s Olibljanima u Kaliforniji, a koji se okupljaju oko Odbora u San Francisku. Naše je Društvo pod imenom Friends of Olib Charity, Inc. registrirano kod federalnih vlasti, i može djelovati radom širom Amerike. Novčani dar pošaljen na naše društvo oslobođen je od poreza u prijavi godišnjeg dohodka (Tax Exempt). Ovaj kalendar kojeg imate ispred sebe, dio je naših karitativnih aktivnosti. Donacije primljene od vas biti će utrošene na očuvanju naše kulturne baštine. Hvala vam na daru i povjerenju!
Skoro će biti stoljeće i pol od kad je prvi Olibljanin stigao u Ameriku. Davne 1902. Olibljani u New Yorku utemeljiše Društvo Sv. Nikole, registrirano u državi New York. Društvo je bilo osiguravajuće i potporne naravi za svoje članove. U slučaju bolesti ili pak smrti, ovo Društvo je pomagalo pri plaćanju troškova. Bila su to vremena kad su muškarci bili u Americi bez svojih obitelji. Kasnije, dolaskom obitelji Olibljani u New Yorku djeluju svojim dobrotvornim radom pod imenom Sinovi i Kćeri Oliba. Mi pak volimo naglasiti da smo nastavak djelovanja društava i dobrih ljudi koji iza sebe ostaviše trag ljubavi prema zavičaju i zajedništvu. Volimo s ponosom istaknuti da ovo naše Društvo ima korjene u organiziranju te davne 1902.
Uprava Dobrotvornog Društva Olib – Friends of Olib Charity, Inc. ima sedam članova. Mandat je četiri godine, a biranje je tajno i vrši se putem pošte. Raspolažemo s adresarom od oko dvjesto obiltelji. Svaka obitelj ima jedan glas. Od najmanje dvanaest kandidata, bira se sedmorica, time da sedam kanditata s najviše glasova ulazi u upravu. Kandidat s najviše glasova ima pravo na predsjedničko mjesto u upravi. Upravo ova 2012. je izborna godina za naše društvo. Glede svakog pitanja slobodno nam se javite na Friends of Olib Charity, Inc. P.O. BOX 30309, New York, NY 10011, ili na našu web stranicu Hvala na potpori i suradnji.